Memphis is home; connected to the mighty Mississippi River, an ever flowing life blood for generations of creative, soul filled humans. I live here with my husband and our young adult son. Like the river, I wind my way through creative experience, finding pathways to peace and deeper meaning. Painting, like prayer and meditation, is my way of centering, exploration, question and praise. When I trust and am fully present I am gifted with a moment of grace that transcends my ability to direct the outcome of the painting. It is a creation thing, a spiritual thing, a letting go & letting be thing. It is a God thing. Though painting is my first love, my path often visits clay, metal, paper, fabric, and Thigh High Jeans, a sustainable blue jean company I co-founded.
My formal training includes an undergraduate degree in Art from Berea College and a Masters in Education from the University of Memphis. Growing up in a creative home instilled a love of both making and exploration. That has surely guided me to this beautifully rich life. I am forever grateful.